Simulations of electric multiple unit series 413/417 drives on the electrified tracks of "Serbian Railways"
Main Article Content
In the paper, the Matlab-Simulink model of simulation of operation of the ŽS 413/417 series electric multiple unit (EMU) in traction and braking mode is exposed where changes are observed: stator currents of three-phase traction motors, traction electric motor speeds and electric multiple unit, electromagnetic torque on the rotor shaft of the traction electric motor and DC bus voltage. The model allowed review of the listed parameters for: different allowed values of contact network voltage and total voltage distortion at the place of connection of the electric multiple unit to the contact network, different mechanical loads of electric multiple unit and traction electric motor and different train speeds and rotation of traction electric motors. Appropriate conclusions were made through the analysis of the simulation results obtained.
Article Details
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